Dog Tricks Videos


12 Year Old Siberian Husky

Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?

Persia our Siberian Husky was 12 years old when this video was taken and our Chihuahua, Poochie, learned all of these dog tricks after she was rescued from a high kill shelter at 11 years of age.

If we can train an old dog to do all of these tricks, just imagine what we can teach your dog like no more barking, jumping, or pulling on the leash…

…Dogs love our training programs so they become eager to learn and then we can train them quickly! But don’t worry, we will also teach you how to communicate effectively with your dog so he will listen to you too and not just us!

11 Year Old Chihuahua

Want help teaching your dog tricks?  We have lots of tricks and games to choose from in our Fun Fit Fido Program.  Just get in touch and tell us about your dog.